Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Survival Skills

When a Hurricane Strikes - Are You Ready?

Hurricanes are a deadly force to reckon with. The winds reach over 75mph and you will generally find a hurricane occurs over an oceanic area. Depending on where you are located, you may know a hurricane by a different name such as tropical cyclones or typhoons.

In recent years hurricanes have become far more dangerous and they are occurring far more often. If you have ever lived through a hurricane you understand the dangers they present. There are probably things you would do differently the second time round. If you’d like some excellent tips on how to stay safe during a hurricane you’ll want to read on.

Let’s start with getting a better understanding of a hurricane. There is the eye, which is the hurricane center and it’s generally calm within the eye. This can be misleading. In fact, it’s a common cause of injury when people come out thinking the hurricane is over. Then there is the eye wall, which where you’ll find the heaviest rain and strongest winds. Outside of this are spiral bands that can be very large, and they also produce heavy winds and rain.

Learn some amazing secrets to survival, click here and find out how prepared you can be!

Monday, August 8, 2011

What to do after its over

During the Hurricane

During the hurricane, you need to stay indoors. If you are caught in a hurricane you should stay away from all doors and windows. Close your inside doors and grace your outside doors. Keep your blinds and curtains closed. Don’t make the mistake in thinking the “eye of the storm,” is the end of the storm. Lie underneath any solid item. The table is often a good place. Going into a hallway, closet, or small inferior room. If you live in an area where you are at risk of flooding you should leave the premises and go to higher ground.

After the Hurricane has Passed

Once the storm is over, you may be without services as a result of the damage. Every hurricane is different so there’s no one outcome here. Listen to your local TV or radio to find out important information for your area. If you can safely occupy your home make sure your house address is clearly visible. Roads can be blocked with debris; signage can be knocked down so try to stay off the roads. Call 911 only if there is a real emergency. If you are using a generator make sure carbon monoxide isn’t an issue.

When you are prepared you can ensure you remain safe during the hurricane. Check out Hurricane Survival Kits Here

Warnings and when to Evacuate

Hurricane Warning

If a hurricane warning has been issued for your area you should listen to local TV or radio for further information. It’s time to secure your home, including closing your shutters. You should turn off your utilities if you are instructed to do so. Turn your refrigerator thermostat to the coldest setting and do not open the door. Turn your propane tanks off, and stay off the phone unless there is an emergency. Make sure you have a supply of water

Should You Evacuate?

It can be a tough decision to decide to evacuate. There are certain guidelines that can help you make that decision.

·         Listen to local broadcasts and if the authorities tell you to evacuate you should do so.

·         If you live in a floodplain, near an inland waterway, near a river, or on the coast evacuate.

·         If you live in a high rise condominium or apartment evacuate.

·         If you believe you may be in danger evacuate to higher ground.

What to Take if You Evacuate

If it becomes necessary to evacuate make sure you take:

·         Prescription medications and other medical supplies with you.

·         Take 2 to 3 gallons per person.

·         Your cell phone

·         A battery powered radio

·         Your first aid kit

·         All important documents like passport, driver’s license, social security cards, birth certificate, marriage certificate, insurance information

·         Road maps

·         Additional batteries

·         Phone numbers

·         Cash

·         Sleeping bags

Hurricane Survival and Prepardness

Every year all of the Gulf Coast and Atlantic area face tropical storms and hurricanes. If you live in an area that is at risk, it’s important that you practice hurricane preparedness. These Hurricane survival tips will also help you stay safe, before during and after a hurricane.

A hurricane is a tropical storm that causes high winds, storm surges, torrential rains, and for up to 2 weeks after serious flooding can occur.

Before the Hurricane

·         Take action to ensure your property is secure. Storm shutters added to windows offers excellent protection. A temporary solution is to board up your windows using 5/8” marine plywood that has been cut to fit the window. Do not use tape – it will not stop windows from breaking.

·         Clear clogged rain gutters and repair lose downspouts.

·         Install extra clips to ensure your roof is securely fastened to your frame, to reduce the amount of damage to the roof.

·         If you have a boat, you need to determine the best way to secure it.

·         Construct a safe room.

·         Invest in an appropriate survival kit. Sites like nitro-pak have a great selection